Code of Ethics from Lady Gwendolyn
Let me begin by telling you I am not a Therapist or Psychiatrist. I am here to tell you what the Universe needs you to hear. Above All I Believe in Truth, Honesty, and Integrity.

I receive questions from Jobs, Relationships, and most recently Messages from the Other side. While I realize that the responses that come through are not exactly what you want to hear sometimes, it’s usually what you need to hear. We choose to accept the good and the bad.
I will honor your trust by always being honest and forthcoming as to what comes to me. I will not sugarcoat anything or bend the truth to make you feel better.
I will always conduct myself in a professional manner, so you can be sure you are getting answers from someone just like you, that understands true life.
I uphold my Integrity by standing on my word, I believe that every word holds power and I submit to that wholeheartedly.
So how does a Reading with me work? Ask me a question, I will answer, No wasting time for me to tell you things you already are aware of. Let’s get straight to the point. Time is precious and I don’t believe in wasting it.
I set No Limitations on What you can ask about or how many questions 1-400 they are all the same to me because they matter to you, and that is important to me.
My Life has been about helping others and that is what has brought me to pursue this direction. I can reach out and Help more than I every thought possible. Fulfilling my own Joy.
I believe in Humanity and Equality. I will Never Judge you for any situation. We have all been in situations that make us question our choices. And nobody is better than anyone else.
I will not attempt to change your way of life or influence you in any way. Take from the reading what you need and leave the rest behind. I will Never Predict when you will die, or give you specific names of people, as of now I am receiving personality traits only.
I will not tell you to buy items or solicit anything outside of readings. It may come that i will see a certain direction in school you may like or advice on what car to buy. Or what crystal may help you through a transitional period. However, I will never guide you into something that i would gain from outside of our reading. That is unethical and Disrespectful to you.
Be assured that Confidentiality is of the most utmost importance and I Look forward to working with you.