Spiritual Awakenings

If you have never been through a Spiritual Awakening then what are you doing with your life? Why are you closed off to growth? What is holding you back?

Yeah I know it’s not for everyone. Growth is scary, hard, messy, emotional and you may feel like your going crazy. See not for everyone. However, I would venture to say that everyone reading this is open and ready for change. 

While there is no right way or 12 step program for Spiritual Awakenings the first thing to know is Remember to Breath. The second thing is to remember you will be ok and Help is available. 

I myself am going through a different kind of spiritual awakening at the moment. A psychic awakening.  Thoughts and feelings, the senses are going out of control. One minute I just know things, the next I am tasting things I haven’t eaten or cigarettes I hadn’t smoked and I have been smoke-free for 7 years. From experience, I know that this is short-lived and as long as I embrace the energy from this, the sooner I will be on the next level. 

When you open yourself up to learning and understanding the world around you, you mostly feel a bit out of control. New thoughts, ideas, and emotions will start flooding in. Didn’t I say it was scary? Journaling has been the go-to for this, but I’m not much of a Journaler. That’s why we have voice-to-text options. Reading back over your thoughts and feelings will help you put things into perspective, and sort through them a lot easier. 

Meditation is also another outlet for you to gain control. By connecting to the source energy through meditation you are allowing the spiritual knowledge to categorize and get in line. Meditation isn’t always sitting crossed-legged and vocalizing the Ohm. it’s about finding a place for your mind to find relaxation. That can be getting lost in your music, reading a book, watching a candle or fire burn, or getting lost in a flowing river. 

For me, it’s hugging a tree, listening to the Peepers at night, it’s also people watching and seeing how others interact with Emotions and circumstances. You soon see what others don’t see in themselves and begin to see your own patterns so that you can create a better version of yourself. 

The Shadow work comes into play, but that is for another time.

Love you all talk to ya soon!

Shadow Talk: Discover Your Life Purpose

Isn’t this what we all strive for?

To know, to fulfill. 

You could be here to show others inspiration.  To be a Parent, a  Healer, or share a great love with your soul mate.

Take the journey to free yourself from the limitations of your past. What you were told to hold you back doesn’t have to live in you anymore.

Break those chains, 

Access Consciousness and Access Bars

Ever heard of it? No? It’s ok I’ll lead you through my journey and how it can help you.

In 2019, I attended a psychic and metaphysical fair. So many wonderful vendors, readers, and healers. As I walked in I was immediately drawn to a table that had two chairs sitting there. I walked over and asked the question that changed everything.

What are Access Bars?

Since I’m sharing my experience I’ll tell you in my words. Let’s start with history, as I do love to learn. Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness, channeled the treatment in 1990.

What are “the Bars” exactly? You Have 32 points on the head, which when lightly touched release old energies stuck in the brain and the body, allowing for tremendous and easy change.

Imagine cleaning out your closet. Your closet is your mind. That’s what the Bars allow. All the considerations, thoughts, feelings, emotions, decisions, judgments, and beliefs from any lifetime that are electrically stored in the brain release them. This release occurs when the bars are touched; it allows that stored junk to be released.

And let me tell you with that in mind, My first experience was so relaxing and it truly was the beginning of my new transition. I truly felt an overall calm come over me and clarity, it wasn’t too long until I started seeing things that were meant for me to face.

Although everyone has a different experience, that’s the beauty of it. At worst you will feel like you have had a massage. At best you will find clarity and your purpose. You may experience it. an increased sense of peace and ease, being less reactive to situations that might have upset you in the past, more restful and deep sleep, feeling that whatever was upsetting before the session doesn’t matter as much anymore.

Ok, so now I hope that gives you some kind of an Idea. My experience was a 20-minute session. That is the standard time of treatment at fairs to give you an idea and to make as many changes as possible. Length of time can go up to ninety minutes. I myself don’t offer that much time, 20-60 minutes is a well-balanced treatment I believe.

After those twenty minutes, it took me a few moments to stand up and find my balance again. My mind felt… free. A lightness that I had never experienced before. I have a before and after photo of myself that I love to look at. I can see the tenseness in my face before and the relaxation in the after. From that day on I knew I needed to know more.

As luck would have it, the hostess of the event was the practitioner’s teacher and when the Universe was ready, I attended her class. I decided that day I really wanted to pursue Access Bars. I love the teachings that Access Consciousness shares. All things come to me with Ease, Joy, and Glory. We are manifesting the changes during your session. Out with the old ideas and seeding the great ideas for you to Grow.

The Access Bars treatment is hands-on, before beginning we will discuss any sensitive areas, making your safe space as comfortable as possible.

I look forward to working with you!

Hello and Welcome to Lady Gwendolyn Healing

Hello and welcome to Lady Gwendolyn Healing. I am here to help you grow into a better version of yourself. 

 I have been on the journey of Self  Discovery my whole life, never feeling like I have never fit in anywhere. The one thing that stayed consistent was helping others in their lives as well as working as an In-Home Caregiver from the time I turned 17. I have always known I was going to be there to help make others’ lives better, and I have noticed changes every two years as my path shifts. I Live by two very important guidelines, Never Give up and Everyone Needs Care. 

I know that life changes and struggles are tough and it can drain everything out of you I want to be able to be there for you through the struggles to support you using Tarot, Crystals, Reiki, and Access Bars helping you see and create a better future for yourself and using power forms discs to create an energy that you want to feel and bring manifestations into your life.

I have created my own Special way to incorporate All aspects together, however, your session is based on your energy and what your specific needs are. I will walk you through the process to find the Best Way to Create the YOU you aspire to Be.

If you have found me you are ready to begin your new Journey take a deep breath let’s do it together.