Weekly Update 6/3-6/9


I do hope that you had a wonderful weekend and I just wanted to stop in and talk about how this week is looking.

Can we just start out this Monday by saying ohh my goodness OK let’s get it all out there because things are going wild right now our energy our relationships our communication our desires are taking control this is all because of the planet transition on June the third today that places everything in a row.

This particular lineup does not happen very often but when it does it tends to turn and shake things up remember we are also still in Gemini season and we need that communication in order to set these things correct so be thinking about that choose your words wisely and make sure that you are getting the point across and not having any anger or frustrations in that situation.

I look forward to discussing What’s in the Shadows this Week!

Card 1:  King of Pentacles

Card 2: Knight of Swords

Card 3: Page of Swords

Lady Gwendolyn Speaks

The King of Pentacles, Again there he sets this week and as an overseer of everything to make sure that things stay in order

The Knight of Swords He is the action taker he is the I am ready to charge full force to do what needs this is giving that big Gemini energy and setting things straight that that mercury feel no we’re not in mercury retrograde so don’t think that but this is a time of uplifting and arising

And the last card is the Page of Swords As the page of swords this is sending a message and the message is what we’ve talked about previously about standing up for yourself lifting yourself up and not being afraid to be who you are.

Don’t be afraid, It’s worth it!

Lady Gwendolyn

5/13-5/17 blog


Hello there just stopping in to for our weekly chat and look at what the moon is doing this week as well as what our weekly card reading is!

 So this week the moon is primarily in Leo this is a great time for building a creative exciting environment for achieving goals and building self-confidence.

The first quarter moon in Leo let’s talk change whether it be your health your job your financial projects this is something that you are going to want to start now the first quarter moon is a few days this week so we’re looking at Tuesday through Thursday so, I know it sounds like an I’m talking about a broken record with writing out your goals but this is the time to do it with the moon being in Crescent shape it is a great time for an if you are going to cast any spells or manifestations that’s a good time for it allows positive influences and anything to that you want to grow and expand so bank money.

Hold some money in your hand and make a wish on it and say this is what I need this is my desired amount and put a deadline on it small things like that can bring about big changes right now.

I look forward to discussing What’s in the Shadows this Week!

Card 1:  Temperance

Card 2: Hermit

Card 3: Tower

Lady Gwendolyn Speaks

Temperance is a representation of mixing things making them work for you the water in the earth the air in the fire in the Yin and the Yang. That balance

The Hermit well you have content in your surroundings you need to be mindful of not withholding too much as I have already talked about the moon being in Leo is wanting that self-confidence and getting out there so make sure you are not secluding right now.

The Tower being the third card is a representation of things breaking down so this doesn’t necessarily, your car is going to break down or things are going to go wrong in your house these are when it’s time to switch things up so it could even be the smallest little bit of a change it is a change nonetheless.  

So what that tells me is that you’re going to step it up and make it work by getting out and socializing more because this tower time going to come in and when it does you’re going to need all the support you can get from your family and friends.

Don’t be afraid, It’s worth it!

Lady Gwendolyn

Goodbye April, Hello May!


I’m sure sometimes whenever you read these you wonder why I talk so much about the moon I’m drawn to it like I recognize what a sign or sun is in which currently is in Taurus, but the moon changes every few days so it affects our energy the fastest.

So this week the energy affects us because the moon travels from Capricorn to Aquarius and into Pisces. I know, I know What does this mean for you?

OK so while the moon had intense energy at the end of last week and through the weekend is because of the full moon. It is now in the process of losing that intensity, so going through the stages this week we are looking at providing structure.

Monday and throughout the rest of the week looking at it from an intellectual and emotional perspective. So what is it that you want to accomplish in the next six months? Trust me it is not very long at all.

Might I suggest on Wednesday make a special point to have lunch with a friend, meet for coffee, or share a phone call or video chat whatever works for you, and talk to this friend about their goals? Maybe there would be something that the two of you can set together to keep each other accountable for. Good Luck finding your goal buddy.

I look forward to discussing What’s in the Shadows this Week!

Card 1:  Page of cups

Card 2: King of cups

Card 3: Queen of cups

Lady Gwendolyn Speaks

This week’s Tarot reading is screaming the need to communicate with your partner. So the page of cups is bringing about a message, so this could be anything from something that has had you concerned or something that you have a question about that you’ve been holding off because you may think it’ll start a fight, this reading this week is all about having that communication.

My advice is to go into it and set a comfortable atmosphere and then approach the issue, be mindful of how you come across, even though Mercury is out of retrograde we are still dealing in the shadow. So we don’t want to come across as aggressive or obsessive. Good Luck!

Take care this week and remember that I am here for you and am here to guide you through whatever you need, especially during these trying times.

This Week’s Schedule: Please Note: All times listed below are Eastern Standard Time. ⌚My General Availability is Monday through Thursday 6 am -11 pm Friday through Sunday 6 am -11 am 6 pm-2 am EST

📲Call Availability is 6 am-11 am and 6 pm –11 pm EST Daily 💬Chat and Email Readings are Available During and Between Call Available times!

Don’t be afraid, It’s worth it!

Lady Gwendolyn

Solar Eclipse Week


Well, here we are it’s time for the solar eclipse. And since you know I follow the moon and that moon is going to be in Aries today tomorrow and Tuesday with the new moon. Then we start the waxing and we start growing so once this eclipse is over we can open ourselves up to the desires that we want. Be careful because mercury is still in retrograde and make sure that you are putting forth the precise um wording that you need to communicate but once the eclipse is over all bets are off, honey do what you need to do for your greater happiness.

. The beginning stages of this week with the moon being in Aries tells us to take action to reach outside of ourselves and take risks the things that we want and desire are worth fighting for. Following it through the rest of this week with the Taurus and Gemini moons that are showing us the drive to get up and go and speak our truth and be a little bit stubborn be bullheaded be unapologetic about what you want.

I look forward to discussing What’s in the Shadows this Week!

Card 1:  Justice

Card 2: Four of Swords

Card 3: Page of Pentacles

Lady Gwendolyn Speaks

This week’s reading is very telling in its story so timeline we are looking at the next month in this situation not just this week.

The time has come for the justice card to lay out some serious karma. So, what I’m seeing here is we are going to create that balance in our life but at the same time the eclipse energy seems to set things right on a projected path that is for our higher good.

Now where the four swords kind of give me the projected timeline of a month it also is a reminder that during this period, we tend to go within ourselves and get depressed and beat ourselves up with this karma that we are going to be receiving is merely a lesson it is not meant to dilapidate you to bring you down or cause you depression. It would be a good thing if you could be mindful to use this time to lay out your plans now as we’ve talked about it being a mercury retrograde. I’m not suggesting that communication be happening, but I am suggesting that you lay out your plans.

The final card is the page of pentacles this adorable messenger is here to tell you that your finances are going to start getting better as I said within the next month of a timeline but how do I suggest working with this energy yeah like we’ve been talking about planning it out create a desired budget this is how much money I hope to have this is what I can afford this is what I want to have in my life so you need a new car well take a look at your budget in how much money you’re going to need to accommodate that new vehicle and then write it out and incorporate that. This financial uplift isn’t exactly something that you are going to get a large sum or something like that you are going to be working for it but it’s how it’s worked into your life that needs to be addressed OK so make sure that you are considering all aspects of your life your home family finances whenever you are wanting to incorporate in something new

I hope this week’s reading reaches you in a wonderful place.

Take care this week and remember that I am here for you and am here to guide you through whatever you need, especially during these trying times.

This Week’s Schedule: Please Note: All times listed below are Eastern Standard Time. ⌚My General Availability is Monday through Thursday 6 am -11 pm Friday through Sunday 6 am -11 am 6 pm-2 am EST

📲Call Availability is 6 am-11 am and 6 pm –11 pm EST Daily 💬Chat and Email Readings are Available During and Between Call Available times!

Don’t be afraid, It’s worth it!

Lady Gwendolyn

No this is Not a April Fools Joke


Well, hello there how are you faring during this eclipse season are you having a lot of angry outbursts are you going frustrated are you having a lot of anxiety do you feel like you’re being backed into a corner well let me tell you this is standard energy right now.

While yes we had the lunar eclipse last week this week brings us in the mercury retrograde on April Fool’s Day but let me tell you it is no joke. Mercury will be following us through the majority of April into April 25th and the energies that we have going up until then are intense. Not only should you not be making any decisions based on long-term contracts or uh mediocre communication that’s just going to develop into arguments you do not need that stay away from the drama as much as you possibly can

This week’s moon trajectory takes us from Capricorn back into Aries where it meets the sun this weekend. That path 2 Aquarius and a Pisces midweek where we’re at right now opens us to having our emotions in check to not caring to being emotional and then being closed off and fiery so all of these bubbling imagine a boiling pot of water that’s how our feelings are this week.

Another thing to consider is that we are gearing up for the full moon so as we move through This is why it intensifies the general feeling of the April 8th eclipse is very overwhelming very high intense energy.

I look forward to talking with you more about What’s in the Shadows this Week!

Card 1: The Magician

Card 2: King of Pentacles

Card 3: 10 of swords

Lady Gwendolyn Speaks

So looking at these three cards this week’s energy is telling us that we need to stabilize ourselves and get ourselves where we feel stable grounded and set ourselves up for that money yes mercury went into retrograde but that does not mean that we can’t put in the hard work and the effort that is needed we’re starting with the magician card which is the creation of things so whatever you are wanting to create and manifest this year focus on that this week because you’re going to use it next week during the eclipse. The king of pinnacles is called the big boss CEO energy is the type of energy you need in your life right now taking control setting um the boundaries not letting people tell you what to do knowing what you want knowing the plan of action and you’re the one that’s going to be able to implement that. The final card 10 of Swords is the very telling one because this is a major conflict of energies the 10 of Swords tells us we need to communicate which is great yes we should communicate but with mercury now being in retrograde mind your words be careful of what you are saying and whom you are saying them to

Take care this week, and remember that I am here for you and am here to guide you through whatever you need, especially during these trying times.

This Week’s Schedule: Please Note: All times listed below are Eastern Standard Time. ⌚My General Availability is Monday through Thursday 6 am -11 pm Friday through Sunday 6 am -11 am 6 pm-2 am EST

📲Call Availability is 6 am-11 am and 6 pm –11 pm EST Daily 💬Chat and Email Readings are Available During and Between Call Available times!


Don’t be afraid, It’s worth it!

Lady Gwendolyn

Weekly Update 3/25-3/31


I hope that you are having a wonderful week leading into the beginning of April. You know how much I love to follow the moon we just had a full lunar eclipse in Libra that sets the stage for creating balance in our life and what is coming up next. In less than two weeks on April 8th the solar eclipse that everyone is talking about is going to be ushering in new power new beginning new energy to push us forward this is just what we’ve been waiting for then 2024 to push ourselves forward to get us out of the ruts and to change all of the cycles that we have been in whether it be work relationships struggling to find a new job or career not feeling like you fit in anywhere and finding peace within yourself.

Take the opportunity this week with the moon going from Libra to Scorpio to Sagittarius. Let the flow of energy set you up for finding this balance and setting boundaries, and then this weekend release and have some fun.

I look forward to talking with you more, about What’s in the Shadows this Week!

Card 1: Eight of Pentacles

Card 2: Strength

Card 3: Death

Lady Gwendolyn Speaks

With these cards, What I can tell you is I have to say I love it when the cards confirm everything that I just said up top.  Anyway, the Eight of Pentacles represents hard work, dedication, focus, and making sure things are precise so that’s what I’m talking about making sure that what you want and what your desires are for your better good and that you are sure that you can go all the way.

This is where the Strength card comes in knowing that you have it in you to not only start this project or these dreams, these desires that you have but, the strength to carry them out to see it through to the end.

The Death card brings it all together not as an ending but as this rebirth like I said this is talking about this solar eclipse that’s going to take everything to the next level I feel like we all have equal opportunities to start fresh and to give life a fresh look and that’s what we need to focus on right now.

Take care this week, and remember that I am here for you and am here to guide you through whatever you need, especially during these trying times.

This Week’s Schedule: Please Note: All times listed below are Eastern Standard Time.

⌚My General Availability is Monday through Thursday 6 am -11 pm Friday through Sunday 6 am -11 am  6 pm-2 am EST

📲Call Availability is 6 am-11 am and 6 pm –11 pm EST Daily 💬Chat and Email Readings are Available During and Between Call Available times!

Don’t be afraid, It’s worth it!

Lady Gwendolyn

Weekly Overview 2/26-3/3

It is time for the Message of the Week. 

Time to distance yourself from the Negative energies in your life. If someone is draining your energy, let them go. If Some activity or Job is too overwhelming, let it go. This is your reminder to put you first. That old saying, You can’t pour from an empty cup feels appropriate this week. 

You have to Clear the Negative out, to let some positvie changes in. Be brave. It’s ok. Will you miss them or what your were doing absolutely. But think or what you can accomplish if your energy is pointed in the right direction? 

This Week I also get a strong feeling of Spiritual Connection is needed. Pray, talk to a Mentor, a friend, hey…. I’m also here for you, lol. But unload the Burdens of your heart. Holding on to this goes well with letting Go. 

Heal Yourself, I’m just here to help.

Alright, So Weekly Reading Time. I am testing out a new tp me, form of reading. Lenormand is the Style and it’s 2 cards. 

The first Card is Anchor. This is about your Job, and Security

The second Card is Book. This card is about your knowledge, Learning something new.

LOL as basic as this is. ITs absolutely Positve. I feel that this knowledge or traning for work means that your Job is about to change,that promotion or chance to challenge your self. Pulling in that drive, and the ability. As I say Don’t be afraid, It’s worth it. 

My Schedule for this week is Eastern Standard Time

Monday 1 pm -10 pm

Tuesday 7 am-10 pm

Wednesday 10 am – 6 pm

Thursday 7 am-1 pm 

Friday 7 am-10 pm

Saturday 7 am-10 pm 

Sunday 7 am-10 pm

Happy to be here for you,

Lady Gwendolyn 

Valentine’s Special and Were to Find me..


I Do Hope you have had a great week. Have you been revealing your true feelings? The Time is Now. Make those changes you need to move your life forward the Planets are all direct, it’s on you to do the work. Let’s talk about it.

Love is meant to be shared, just like our exclusive offer!

💞Dive into Keen’s Valentine’s Day Sale, happening February 13-19, 2024 Get 14% off your readings and let the wisdom of love guide you.

Don’t miss out! 🔮❤️https://www.keen.com/14offlove

I’m Here in Love & Relationships


I will be Online this Weekend. Eastern Standard Time

Friday 6 am- 11:00 pm 3:00 pm-10 pm

Saturday 6 am- 10 pm

Sunday 8 am – 10 pm

Don’t Be Afraid, It’s Worth It,

Lady Gwendolyn

Weekly Update 2-13/2-18

It is time for the Message of the Week. 

This Week the Focus is on our Relationships. Love is on Everyone’s Mind. Nourish your Relationships. Friends and family,  Not everyone is in a relationship. and if you are seeking someone don’t give up yet. Get Dressed up treat yourself Love is also Self-Love. 

Choose Kindness, Share Love and Gratiude with those you love and Enjoy your Life this week. Don’t take anything for granted. 

Also I just got a Vision of you recieving a unexpected gift. Hear that person out, give them a chance. 

Alright, So Weekly Reading Time.

The first Card is Queen of Wands She is Saying Yes to Love and fulfilling your Passions. Dont let Fear hold you back be confident. 

The second Card is Six of Pentacles. The Stablity of your Relationships are strong but Has room to improve. Make sure that when you are moving forward you do so carefully, the timing is important for the right choices. 

The third card is  Eight of Swords. Loyalty is the Keyword here. Your not afraid to say what you think and that is great being that comfortable but make sure in doing so you are being Loyal to those you Love.

My Schedule for this week is Eastern Standard Time

Monday 5 pm -10 pm

Tuesday 5 am-10 pm

Wednesday 10 am – 10 pm

Thursday 11 am-1o pm 

Friday 12 pm-10 pm

Saturday 8 am-10 pm 

Sunday 8 am-10 pm

Don’t be Afraid, It’s Worth It!

Lady Gwendolyn